Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Mathletes of the Year at WPS - 2011

Team 18 is thrilled to announce the following students success in Mathletics this year.

TOP STUDENTS IN THE SCHOOL (by number of concepts mastered)
1st Dana Brough 216
2nd Daniel Neil 210
3rd Anna Merchant 208

Amazing work by those students who (and I know it's no coincidence) have hugely improved their maths grades and understanding this year.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Term Four Update

Well Term 4 is here with a bang! Only six weeks left for our Year 8 students and with assessment well under way the time is speeding by. If, at any time, parents would like to come and discuss any matters, please just phone the school 2358453, and I'll make a time to suit! Or, you are able to book a Learning Conference online (see school newsletter).

Dance classes have begun, fantastic! All the students participated and were excellent I must say. We learnt a line dance and revised last years dances with Katie from Stepz. A day later we learnt the Gay Gordon and basic Waltz step in preparation for the end of year Country Schools dance. This is a formal social, not requiring full ball gowns and suits etc, but rather very tidy apparel, dresses for girls and smart pants and shirts for boys. This time of dancing may be the only formal tuition your child ever receives! We love it!

As well as all this, our Year 8 student's are writing their own narratives. We have all kinds of written projects in progress! There are rhyming kids picture books, poetry and short novels evolving.

Athletics is also a big feature of the term. Mrs South and I are endeavouring to make best use of any time we have to coach the kids in the skills needed for shot put, discus, high jump, long jump and the various running events. Already I have witnessed some extraordinary jumping skills (and styles haha)... I am sure we will have these high achievers off the group day after our own athletics day next week.

There is so much happening this term that it is really important to keep a close eye on the school newsletter and website.

It has been my pleasure to teach the students of Team Eighteen this year. As a group they are extremely well behaved, conscientious learners and thinkers who demonstrate initiative and social responsibility. Thanks to them for an outstanding year!