Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Mathletes of the Year at WPS - 2011

Team 18 is thrilled to announce the following students success in Mathletics this year.

TOP STUDENTS IN THE SCHOOL (by number of concepts mastered)
1st Dana Brough 216
2nd Daniel Neil 210
3rd Anna Merchant 208

Amazing work by those students who (and I know it's no coincidence) have hugely improved their maths grades and understanding this year.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Term Four Update

Well Term 4 is here with a bang! Only six weeks left for our Year 8 students and with assessment well under way the time is speeding by. If, at any time, parents would like to come and discuss any matters, please just phone the school 2358453, and I'll make a time to suit! Or, you are able to book a Learning Conference online (see school newsletter).

Dance classes have begun, fantastic! All the students participated and were excellent I must say. We learnt a line dance and revised last years dances with Katie from Stepz. A day later we learnt the Gay Gordon and basic Waltz step in preparation for the end of year Country Schools dance. This is a formal social, not requiring full ball gowns and suits etc, but rather very tidy apparel, dresses for girls and smart pants and shirts for boys. This time of dancing may be the only formal tuition your child ever receives! We love it!

As well as all this, our Year 8 student's are writing their own narratives. We have all kinds of written projects in progress! There are rhyming kids picture books, poetry and short novels evolving.

Athletics is also a big feature of the term. Mrs South and I are endeavouring to make best use of any time we have to coach the kids in the skills needed for shot put, discus, high jump, long jump and the various running events. Already I have witnessed some extraordinary jumping skills (and styles haha)... I am sure we will have these high achievers off the group day after our own athletics day next week.

There is so much happening this term that it is really important to keep a close eye on the school newsletter and website.

It has been my pleasure to teach the students of Team Eighteen this year. As a group they are extremely well behaved, conscientious learners and thinkers who demonstrate initiative and social responsibility. Thanks to them for an outstanding year!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mathletics Sleepover

SADLY.....(boo hoo)....we have had to defer our Mathletics Sleepover. We have not been getting enough points! Some children were not able to make the weekend chosen (nor their important parents) and Mathletics have a difficult font at the moment which is a little challenging.....I have communicated with Methletics about this. So sorry to let you eager parents down, we do hope to do this in term 4 and will keep in touch!
Mrs K

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Term One Reflection and More

Hey parents and students....

Thanks for an enjoyable term of good work and fun. I've really had a great time! In room 18 we've read one of the greatest stories of all time, The Hobbit, by the masterful JRR Tolkien. The kids almost all rated it an 'Excellence!' Whilst the goals/purposes of reading this story included it being a great exemplar of written language skills, to extend our vocabulary and to explore inference, the most important one in my opinion was to foster the love of a marvellous story. Room 18 agreed that we achieved our goals!

Also this term we have explored our own families, our learning styles and goals. This has been in the form of a variety of tasks of which I have the pleasure of marking over the holidays....looks like it'll be a big job!

Speeches were largely very successful and the kids are relieved that they're over I think! Some were extremely well written and some extremely well delivered - a few were both. Efolios have started and the kids quality feedback comment plus rating are in them (along with all their assessment to date - which is most of it!). Congratulations to Eleanor, Sian and Atea for being our Year 8 finalists.

In maths we have looked at place value, worked on number, fractions, decimals and percentages. We have also had a close look at strategies for working out addition and subtraction equations....more next term!

Mostly though, Ms South and I are excitedly awaiting Camp Bentzon. This is one of the high lights of our year....we hope you parents enjoy your quiet week at home too! Work in the kids books in preparation is of a very high quality for most - well done! Thanks so much to those parents who are coming with us - I'm sure you won't forget it!

Have an awesome holidays all - keep safe.... Mrs K

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I Have A Dream!!!

Room 18 have been putting together an "I Have A Dream" book.

This book has things like our own personal flag, where we design a flag that represents us; a family tree, a dream job and lots more things to do with ourselves.

We have been exploring who we are, what our strengths and weaknesses are as well as our experiences. In this way we can decide where we are going to in life, including some of our dream jobs which are to become a great artist, a great firefighter or a life saving vet.

We have also been looking at what kind of learner we are and what tools we can use to extend our thinking.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Beach clean up!!!!

glitter text

The year 7&8's went to Kariotahi beach a couple of weeks ago and cleaned up the beach.

We collected a significant amount of rubbish.

We also had a sand castle competition, there was a hippo, giant fish, mermaid and heaps more. We rode some wicked waves.

We got taught to surf by professional surfers, and they kindly shouted everyone a sausage.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Yay - once more we are lucky enough to have the mighty Constable Andy instructing our children in Drug Abuse Resistance Education or Decision-Making Assertiveness Responsibility Esteem.....

Parents - The students have a letter which requires your input please (by Wed 30 March), oh, and they also have homework - to complete a Past, Present and Future page in their DARE book (by end of term)....

Please do this well students, we really want Constable Andy to come to Camp in a great mood :-)

Friday, March 11, 2011


Hi Team

If handwriting is really important to you because you're not too good at it OR you want to be BETTER!!! come see Mrs K for some extra help....

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Farewell to Ms R - See you back soon!

Room 18 say "Come back soon" to Ms Remington - our best ever PE teacher, gone for a short time to teach at Auckland University. We hope to have Ms R back in time to come to the famous Camp Bentzon (Kawau Island) with us!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Term One Programme

Job Application

Looking at advertisements with a view to applying for a job. A surface look at personal skills relating to work and work ethics. A deeper look at letter writing skills both in applying for a job and supplying a reference. Participating and contributing to school life as a worker within the school shows awesome self-management and thinking skills.

I Have a Dream

A unit of work exploring the individual student, their family, their aspirations, personal strengths, learning styles and thinking tools. We will be setting goals and setting up efolio's.

Treaty of Waitangi

A brief look at the people and events of the 1840's. Our heritage and the founding document of New Zealand - one country which endeavoured to merge two people with a treaty some 170 years ago.

The Hobbit

An in-depth look at the amazing story of Bilbo Baggins, his discovery of the One Ring to rule them all and his essential assistance in the recovery of the dwarves treasure. Exploring rich language, writing skills and brilliant story structure from a master story teller. But the key purpose; to share a not-to-be-forgotten adventure with a small unique hobbit, a schitzophrenic creature, many dwarves, a wizard and a fearsome dragon.


A close up look at number (eg place value, whole and part, decimals, fractions and percentages) and a start on algebra.

Beach Clean Up

An annual trip to Karioitahi to clean the place up. This is the opportunity we give the students to return something to the community. It raises environmental awareness through environmental ACTION! Yay.....oh and the beach is much cleaner afterward....and some sea creatures may not die because of it! Also we may take surf safety lessons while we're out there if possible...



At home, students can provide evidence that they are committed to their own learning by;
- doing Mathletics, practicing basic facts,
- completing class work and
- reading...among other things...

There is evidence that homework simply for the sake of giving homework has little effect of a student's achievement. However, doing the above is practising good work habits and participating in activities relevant to our classroom programme.

Mathletics - First in the Country!!!!

Yay to my team who rose to the competitive ocassion and supported Mrs Kendall's obsession with maths......FIRST IN NZ!

Thanks especially to my top student this week, Kaitlyn with more than a mighty 18,000 points. As well as this both Kelsey and Dana were well up over 13,000 points. This represents around 44 hours maths....between three students!

Saturday, January 22, 2011